It is with great pleasure and pride that I present my drumming method:
The DrumLog(Block)Book parts 1 to 4
From beginner to advanced | For all ages
Mijn met
My method offers a clear learning path and helps you improve your skills and grow as a drummer, from the very beginning up to and including conservatory level.
I take you into the world of rhythm, our heartbeat. In addition to many exercises to improve your skills (both in rhythms and fills) and to learn to read and understand notation, you will find a wealth of practical exercises in the books.
And further…. all! 40 Rudiments are discussed: how do you use them in practice as a drummer. I highlight 24 music styles. For example: Dance Hall, Drum and Bass, Second Line, Motown and Prog Rock.
I give practical examples of Gospel Chops, Polymetrics, Polyrhythms, Tresillo and Ostinatos, to try out immediately.
In The DrumLog(Block) Book parts 1 to 4 I have bundled all the material that I have custom developed and tested in practice over the past thirty years (as a performing musician in many productions, as a drum teacher and music teacher). .
hode biedt een heldere leerlijn en helpt je je skills te verbeteren en te groeien als drummer, vanaf het allereerste prille begin tot en met conservatorium niveau.
Ik neem je mee in de wereld van het ritme, onze heartbeat. Naast vele oefeningen om je skills te verbeteren (zowel in ritmes als in fills) en om het notenschrift te leren lezen en begrijpen, vind je een schat aan praktische oefeningen in de boeken.
En verder…. alle! 40 Rudiments komen aan bod: hoe gebruik je ze als drummer in de praktijk. Ik licht 24 muziekstijlen uit. Bijvoorbeeld: Dance Hall, Drum and Bass, Second Line, Motown en Prog Rock.
Ik geef praktische voorbeelden van Gospelchops, Polymetriek, Polyritmiek, Tresillo en Ostinato’s, om direct uit te proberen.
In Het DrumLog(Block)Boek deel 1 tot en met 4 heb ik al het materiaal gebundeld dat ik de afgelopen dertig jaar (als uitvoerend musicus in vele producties, als docent drums en vakleerkracht muziek) op maat heb ontwikkeld en in de praktijk heb getoetst.
Books 1 t/m 4
– Combideal, all 4 parts seperate €80,00 excl. postage costs
– Luxe edition, all parts in 1 book (300 pages) €70,00 excl. postage costs
Terms and Conditions
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Contact: If you have any questions about your order, or would like to know something else, please contact me at
Copyright: You buy the product, not the copyrights. You have no right to reproduce the product. In all cases, the copyright remains with Jaap Koning.
Delivery: I do my best to ship your order as quickly as possible and with care, usually within three days, but always within 30 days of purchase. I ship the books in a sturdy cardboard envelope to prevent wrinkles.
Currently I only ship in the Netherlands. If you live somewhere else, please email
Collection is also possible, by appointment only and at the following address:
Kierkegaardstraat 58, 1185AH Amstelveen.
Legal reflection period: You have 14 days’ reflection period, calculated from the date on which you receive the product. Please inform me within the cooling-off period if you wish to cancel the purchase. This can be done by email: as long as you send the message within the cooling-off period.
After canceling the purchase, you have another 14 days to return the product. If the 14th day falls on a weekend or public holiday, the cooling-off period ends on the next working day. Send the product back within 14 days after the purchase has been canceled to the following address: Betje Wolfflaan 3, 1187 CG Amstelveen, packaged as carefully as I did. The return shipping costs will then be at your expense. I will refund everything you paid me to have the product delivered: purchase costs and delivery costs. Only the return shipping costs are at your expense.
I will refund within 14 days after the purchase has been canceled. I may wait to refund until I have received the product back, or until you can prove that you have returned it. I will pay back in the same way as you paid me, or in another way after consultation.
Jaap Koning, Muziekcentrum Logblock Chamber of Commerce: 5073240 VAT: NL001458961B23